
‘Hjælp familier med at bekæmpe mørket’

Jeg glæder mig til at slappe af i aften.

Sådan føler jeg ofte i løbet af min travle hverdag med både arbejde og studiejob.
Det glædede jeg mig også til igår. Men igår blev ikke til afslapning på samme måde som normalt. Jeg så nemlig dokumentaren ‘Flugten fra Islamisk Stat’ på DR og blev hurtigt anspændt.

TÆNK, at kvinder, mænd og børn ikke kan slappe af, som jeg kan i aften.
TÆNK, at vi rent faktisk kan gøre noget for at hjælpe de udsatte familier og bortførte kvinder samt børn.
HJÆLP mig med at hjælpe dem!


‘Help families to Escape Darkness’

I was looking forward to coming home tonight.

After a long week with both work and study, I usually come home to relax and be together with the people I love.
Yesterday was not like that. Yesterday I watched the documentary ‘Escaping ISIS’ which was shown on Danish Television. Quickly, I wasn’t relaxed anymore.

THINK, women, men and children are not able to come home and relax, as I am.
THINK, we could actually do something to help the families and women whom have been tortured and held captive.
HELP me help them!


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“‘Mørket kan ikke bekæmpes med mørke; kun lys kan bekæmpe det. Had kan ikke bekæmpe had; kun kærlighed kan bekæmpe det.’”

“Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love” (M.L.King)

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In support of

AMAR International Charitable Foundation
Appeal: Escaping darkness

Additional Information About This Appeal

In the event that we do not reach our fundraising target, funds will be used to provide psychological support to as many women and girls as possible. If we exceed our fundraising target, additional funds will be used to extend this work and maintain the project beyond the initial two years.

Giving.Me is the Official Donations Portal Provider for AMAR International Charitable Foundation.  For more information about this campaign and AMAR International Charitable Foundation, email [email protected] or call +44(0)207 799 2217

AMAR International Charitable Foundation: UK Registered Charity Number: 1047432

Signe's Pledge | Giving MeMay 27th, 2016Giving Me Limited